Do you ever find yourself full of goals, but quickly losing motivation to accomplish them? Well, we are throwing back to a legacy interview between Doug Ottersburg and Lifeonaire founder Steve Cook where they dive into how to program your mind so you can finally attain your goals instead of running out of steam! You may remember when we had Doug Ottersburg, self-hypnosis and mental programming expert, on the show awhile back, and if so, you probably remember how insightful he is! Stick around and learn:

How our brains are like computers and get ‘programmed’ as we grow up and age The transformational power of shifting into statements about what you DO want instead of what you DON’T want Some common negative mental code most of us possess (that we don’t even realize) and how to change it Some creative practical ideas for sticking to the habits that will help you achieve your goals And some things you should know about mindset if you want financial abundance

As Doug says, success equals Small Disciplines Done Daily. Get in on this powerful insight by tuning in!