It can be difficult for young couples to overcome trying times in their relationship. Amanda and Jeff were not communicating with each other, dealing with infidelity and found themselves on the brink of a divorce. An acquaintance recommended the Lifeonaire book to Jeff. And, in less than one year after reading the book, the couple is stronger than ever and communicating better than ever before. Amanda recognizes that it wouldn’t have happened without their lifeonaire family.


Key Takeaways:

[2:28] We were struggling and Lifeonaire was our last attempt to save ourselves and our marriage

[4:09] The Lifeonaire book was recommended by someone who already read it

[6:10] I didn’t understand Lifeonaire was a Christian based organization

[7:55] Hearing other people’s stories impacted me

[9:41] After the Get-a-life event we started communicating again

[12:24] There is power in the group, we formed deep friendships

[14:03] In less than a year our marriage is solid and we paid off 20K in personal debt

[17:30] We changed our mindset to live more in the now

[19:07] The definition of success has changed for us

[21:41] It’s a lot of work but the book, the event and the coaching changed our lives

[23:57] It showed us we could share our story without being judged

[27:00] Amanda thanks Steve and the Lifeonaire family




Lifeonaire Book

REI Blackbook