Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough time in the day to live the life you want?


Or do you ever feel like if only you could get control of your daily routine, then you would have time for bigger and better things?


The good news is, there’s a solution. And Wojo and Peter are here to spill their secrets on how they and hundreds of other Lifeonaires have designed a typical day-in-the life so they can do things like:


Wake up naturally (no alarms necessary!)

Spend time with family each day

Work out consistently

Have daily quiet time

And yes, even nap…every day!


The best part is, there are lessons to be learned here for everyone. Whether you are a business owner with different chaos every day, or you are a 9-5 employee whose evenings slip away from you, the tips you’ll learn in this episode will help you create a rhythm of intentionality so you can have more time for your ideal life!