Kevin started his journey as an hourly employee at a GNC. Now, he owns 5 gyms and makes income in the health and fitness industry through several different avenues!


Kevin explains that this happened organically, and there’s some decisions Kevin made that set him up perfectly to what many of us dream to do, things you could apply in your own life to achieve similar results, including:


Make a great living in the industry you love

Break through the pay ceiling that working your way up the corporate ladder often creates

Leverage the experience, connections, and skills obtained at each job or role you have to equip yourself for the next level


And more. Kevin’s story is full of gold nuggets that anyone trying to move faster towards their goals, get out of the grind, and explore more of what is out there for them in their industry will have tons of takeaways from.


To get in touch with Kevin, email him at [email protected]


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