Finding perfect fit clients can be challenging. Many business owners find themselves struggling to make connections with potential clients, which leaves them feeling like they need to take whatever work they can get, regardless of how good the fit is.


If you ever wind up in this position, you’ll have tons of takeaways from this interview.


Today’s episode features insurance agent John Hamrick who has mastered the art of finding better and better clients. It’s all rooted in:


The way he puts feelers out to the world to find potential clients

How he navigates the beginning of those relationships

Who he chooses to take on

And how he utilizes the 80/20 rule


John’s approach could be a huge gamechanger for you. If you implement what he’s doing, you could find yourself:


Working less

Spending your time only on your best clients (ie, the ones you enjoy working with the best and help you bring in the most income)

Organically finding clients (so you can kiss cold calling goodbye!)

Building strong bonds with your clients


So get ready to take things to the next level in both your dynamic with your clients and your freedom as a business owner!