Most of us are aware of “the work life balance”. 


But how many people do you know who are able to achieve it?


If you’re in Lifeonaire, you probably know lots of people who are able because it’s something we teach people how to do. If not, you’re probably surrounded mostly by people who are juggling work, family life, hobbies, traveling, and time for themselves, and they're dropping things left and right.


Travis Parry is “the balance guy.” In fact, he runs his business on 25 hours of work a week and lives a full life with his wife and seven children.


You might be thinking: 25 hours a week to run his business??? That’s great for him, but there’s NO WAY I could get all my work for the week done in 25 hours.


Just wait. In this episode, Travis covers how you can approach work so that you too can cut to part time and not sacrifice income so you can actually have time for the life that you often have to set on the back burner.


Travis’ insight is so in line with Lifeonaire principles that if you’re already fascinated by what we have to say, you’re going to love the gold he’s here to share. This method of approaching life is bulletproof and can work wonders for ANYONE.