It’s tempting to look at the leaders in your industry and try to follow in their footsteps. But Stan Phelps has a seemingly counterintuitive method to success that proves over and over again to work amazingly. It’s based on the concept that what makes us weird is what makes us wonderful. We are each “Flawsome”!

If you’re not intrigued yet, we promise you, listening to this episode is a MUST! Stan walks through how to play into what makes you unique—and even your flaws—in your business to help you stand out. He dives into many fascinating models to explain how this works, including the Cow, Peacock, Zebra, Polar Bear quadrant, the 4 As, “microweirding”, and so much more! Stick around and start embracing your uniqueness and break out of the game of Follow the Leader that often leaves us one step behind. It’s time to get ahead using what makes you YOU!