Five Signs of a Hormonal Belly

The hormonal belly is a very unique type of belly and as a result, may need to approach your nutrition in a completely different way than you may think. So, other than having excess body fat on your frame signs that you may have a hormonal belly include

Waistline Increasing Despite Healthy Eating
The fact that you are eating right you are eating healthy you are eating modest calories and your waistline keeps getting bigger even though you are eating correctly.

Sugar Cravings
You have been craving a lot of sugar lately. It's an uncontrollable type of sugar craving, not the type of thing where it's like just that time of the month but it's above and beyond that.

Leptin Resistance
However, insulin resistance can also lead to another condition called Leptin resistance. Leptin is a very tricky hormone

Mood Swings
The next thing that may be a sign that you have a hormonal belly is you are experiencing a lot of mood swings

Excessive Estrogen
You can definitely get your hormones tested to actually confirm if you have a hormone imbalance.

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About Christine Hronec
Christine Hronec ( ) is an award-winning chemist and three-time champion fitness competitor, nutrition, and exercise expert. Since founding her company Gauge Life in 2013, Christine has helped approximately 40,000 women transform their bodies and switch to a body-positive self-image. Her YouTube channel has over 25 million views. Christine has received awards from the American Chemical Society and was published in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Christine was part of the team that created Time magazine’s “Invention of the Year” for her work in the biotech field.