Welcome to Lifegasm Book I: Marshall's Promise, released in podcast form for your (free!) listening pleasure. 

EXCERPT: In October of 2016 I looked death right in the eyeballs and I woke up to truth. When I hear myself say this, I hear how it might sound arrogant or egotistical. But the moral of this story is not that I am any more or less special than anyone else, quite the opposite, actually.... Additionally, I make no claim to be the first or only human to have experienced such an epiphany. My experience may have been unique from more conventional awakenings in that it was not grounded in any religious tradition or psychedelic enhancement, but I don’t care to belabor the uniqueness or the non-uniqueness of my experience. An awakening is an awakening, and one of the fundamental tenants of truth is that it is never unavailable to us, wherever and however we find ourselves right now in this very moment. No training or prerequisites necessary.