*That's Private* EXCERPT: So. It was looking like the institution of private property was a real problem. Private property allows us, one human to another, to say “this is mine, you aren’t allowed to physically exist here, even if you need to sleep, even if you need to eat, even if you need to piss. If you exist here, I can call men with guns who we have collectively agreed have the authority to take you away. Or if I choose to let you exist here, you must give me money. If you don’t, I’ll call the men with guns to take you away.” And when every last parcel of land across the globe is protected in this way, even the “public” land, where does that leave the human people who want to opt out of the money game? Private property effectively outlaws the lifestyle of a nomad, or a hunter-gatherer, or a guru. I myself was willing to work hard and give my life’s energy for the betterment of humanity, and I would have been happy to do it for free… that is, if I could survive in this world with zero dollars.