*London Calling* EXCERPT: At one point back in London, Olivia mentioned how noticeable my weight loss was. And she was right. I’d dropped over twenty pounds since she’d last seen me in Mexico. It was all rather entertaining to me at the time. After decades of food obsession, body-obsession, self-abuse and anger, I’d finally let it all go. Once I discovered the truth of who I really was, I recognized that my value was uncorrelated with my weight. Our cultural fixation on weight loss is really the mind hijacking the body’s conversation (while our struggles with obesity is capitalism’s byproduct, at scale). My body was powerful and miraculous, and I no longer wanted to find happiness by decreasing my dress size so much as I wanted to honor the needs of my personalized movement machine by eating well and exercising regularly. When I stopped filtering my body’s voices through the convoluted filter of my mind and the social tropes which equate thinness with value, I proceeded to watch those twenty pounds fall off almost effortlessly.