Life With Herpes Welcome to today’s show on life with herpes. As always, I am thrilled to be here with you and spending the time with you.   So, here’s the deal. Yes, you can have sex with someone who has herpes. Or if you have herpes then yes, you can have sex with someone who doesn’t have it. Let me break it down for you and tell you what herpes is and isn’t: Herpes Is: A virus that you will have for life Contagious even if there is no outbreak present Causes blisters and discomfort There are two types; HSV1 and HSV2 and both types can go to either your mouth or to your genital region Herpes Is Not: Life-threatening Something that will get in the way of your day to day life The end of your sex life Going to ruin your life (promise) When you are going to have sex with someone it’s always important to have the conversation about your sexual health. This protects you as well as your partner. If you have herpes then it is important to let your partner know. Just do it. Put it out there. Tell them you have herpes before sleeping together. The last thing you want to happen is have it come back and bite you in the ass. Once this is all out on the table then talk to your partner about the appropriate methods to protect each other. I have an episode all about ways to prevent passing herpes to your partner on episodes 84 and 82.  The long story short is herpes doesn’t ruin your life or your sex life. Because you now need to communicate and add the trust factor in there it most likely will add to a deeper connection and even a better sex life. Just say’n. Here’s How I Can Help Join our monthly live Herpes Support Group - Herpes Outbreak Toolkit - Emergency Call - Keep in touch with Alexandra Harbushka Join The Live With Herpes Community If you are ready to join a community of people who are living with herpes also then you will want to join our slack group. It is FREE and it is a great way to find the support and comfort that you are looking for. Head on over to and join our community. You will receive a slack invitation as soon as you sign up. See you in there. Ways You Can Support The Life With Herpes Show If you enjoyed this episode as much as we enjoyed making it for you than  a subscribe would be a great idea. Are you a YouTuber? Go ahead and subscribe to the show. It is a way to pay it forward to fellow friends who are living with herpes. When you subscribe it helps the algorithm in YouTube and it helps promote the show. If you are worried about your identity and your friends finding out you subscribed to a herpes channel then change your settings to private. And trust me I totally get it and would want to keep it a secret. Also, when you subscribe you will be notified in your inbox when a new episode is out or when Alexandra is live on Youtube Live. Subscribe Here Are you a podcast listener? Please give the Life With Herpes show a review. It is a way to pay it forward to fellow friends who are living with herpes. You can Subscribe, Rate and Review the show through your iTunes app or on the desktop. Seriously, it helps out a lot more than it is a hassle for you. You see, iTunes has an algorithm that organically promotes the show, so the more ratings and reviews the Life With Herpes Show receives then the higher it gets ranked. This is your way of paying it forward and helping someone find the show who really needs it. Oh, and you can totally use a fake name, so don’t worry about a friend finding you in the iTunes review. Talking about herpes needs to be spread as far and wide as possible. You are totally a part of this movement so THANK YOU!   Subscribe, Rate and Revie