Previous Episode: Don't Mess With Dogs

Hi Everyone.  Aunt Lizzie here… I so want to bring a smile to your lips and a warmth to your heart by dishing up some of the fun from behind my bifocals with humorous and uplifting stories.  

Hey…I don’t intend to go on forever, these podcasts are planned to be short and sweet. Sometimes though folks, I do get carried away. Just a wee warning…

Today we’re going to talk about the secret to living to an old age from the lips’s of a 100-year old woman.  and then a story about how things are not always as they seem. 

 Klara is going to share with you about her experience that she’s aptly names “The Wild Girdle Blues” (Hey I could write a song about that one, bet you didn’t know I dabbled in music too eh? 

 Perhaps some of you younger gals out there can’t relate to girdles like us older gals can, but I know many of you have experienced that Spanx.  Boy I could tell tales about that one for sure. But I’ll let Klara have her own sharing, but you’ll get the picture. And well’ finish off with Four worms and a lesson to be learned!!! Holy cow! You won’t want to miss this!

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