Previous Episode: Chase Battles a Mouse

Another week, another VanLife update!

At this point our lives are basically spent excitedly awaiting the day when we can finally step into an empty Uhaul, only to find out that we are wholeheartedly unprepared for the actual prospect of converting a van.

Just kidding! We've each been doing our research, and with only a couple weeks left before we're finally in possession of our shiny new (used) box truck, it's time to start brainstorming. And that's what this video is about - brainstorming!

At this point, each of us have become an expert on at least one aspect of our van conversion, and now it's time to start testing our theories out with the other two. For example, Dylan, being the pragmatically-inclined electrical engineer of the group, has a pretty good idea of exactly what our electrical needs are going to be. And in this episode, we actually visualize all the things that will need some sort of power/charge frequently: phones, camera batteries, lights, convection ovens, etc. With each new item, we're getting closer and closer to an actual electrical plan... something we've never had before.

I tell you this to show you just how novice we are in this process - none of us have ever actually converted a van. We're learning through Youtube videos, blog posts, family friends, or whatever else we can possibly use as a guide. As first-time van converters, we are approaching each day like it's an opportunity to learn something that we've never known before, and with every podcast episode, we hope that everyone out there listening will get the exact same feeling.

But that just about wraps up this week's episode of Project Today (at this point we might as well just call it the VanLife Update podcast) and we hope you enjoyed! Next week will be our final podcast before we finally get together and start doing the thing, at which point you guys will get week after week of in-person, van converting action!

We hope you're all as excited as we are!


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