In the latest riveting episode of Project Today, the guys dissect one of the most prominent factors in each of our childhoods: video games. Whether you consider them to be an addictive waste of time or not, video games have no doubt played a massive role in how each of us grew up. But are they really all bad? Listen to find out our take!

Even between the three of us, video games are a hotly contested subject. Oliver was rarely seduced by the lure of video games growing up, whereas Chase and Dylan adopted them from an early age. This distinction gives us something important in any discussion: perspective. Whereas Chase and Dylan may be biased towards the positive side effects of video games, Oliver is there to remind us of the potential counterpoints, and vice versa. Hopefully our conversation today helps you to see a new side of video games, for better or worse.

We go over Pokemon, Minecraft, Dragonvale, Racing Live, Backyard Soccer, and many more games that have been with us since childhood! At multiple points in the podcast, you'll see our childhood nostalgia come out in full force, and for many of you out there, that same nostalgia may start forming too!

So what's your take? Are video games purely a strain on our brains, or could there be some positives to them?

Let us know your take on our Instagram page (@LifeTalkPod) or on TikTok (@ProjectToday). We hope you enjoy, and have an amazing day!