They say that if you want to change your results, then start by changing your beliefs. If you don’t like what you’re getting in life; If you want to achieve something, but you’re stuck. If you want different results, better results, new results… Then the place to begin is with what you believe. It starts […]

They say that if you want to change your results, then start by changing your beliefs.

If you don’t like what you’re getting in life; If you want to achieve something, but you’re stuck. If you want different results, better results, new results…

Then the place to begin is with what you believe. It starts with a change in mindset.

I started the Life Stoked Podcast with a mission of finding out exactly what’s behind the mindsets of successful people. And I found it.

But not how I expected.

When I started the Life Stoked podcast there was never a plan for Season 1 (or a Season 2). It was just a podcast that would continue indefinitely.

But as I interviewed and studied successful people week after week I slowly but surely began to change.

My beliefs started to shift at a fundamental level. Somtimes it was in a specific moment where suddenly the world was different, but most often it was slowly over time.

Listen now: 035 – What’s Next For Life Stoked (Season 1 Finale)

A podcast for anyone wanting to break free from average...

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The Season 1 Finale

I started trying new things as I started to change. I got the itch to try another startup (software probably). Only this time it was different. This time I had a stronger foundation of beliefs and mindst, and I believed nothing could stop me.

It sounds cheesey, but it’s true. At some point I switched from thinking I wonder if I can pull this off to How could I NOT succeed???

The Season 1 Finale today is about the top lessons and takeaways from interviewing 20+ high performers. These are the things that looking back made the biggest mind shifts for me and launched me forward into what I’m building now.

What’s next for me (and the Life Stoked Podcast)

I talk about that in the session (towards the end). In short, I’m knee deep in a bootstrapped startup idea and LOVING it. I’ve had more successes in the past three months then the previous three years.

I have a LONG way to go, but this time it’s different because I am different.So I hope you like the show

And as for what’s next for the podcast, well I’m leaving Season 2 up in the air for now. What do you want it to be? I’m considering doing an insider journey of me building this startup, but only if there’s interest.

For those just finding me

I decided to put a bow on Season 1 for one really important reason: I want you to move forward too.

There is more than enough content here to change your beliefs, your mindset, and your life. I feel like if I continue to create more and more of the same focus of content then it winds up enabeling people to continue to listen to more and more of the same content and never move forward.

So if you are new to Life Stoked Nation, then go back to Session 1. Know that by the time you get back to the Season 1 Finale you’ll be completely new.

And if you’ve been with me from the beginning, what’s next for you?

What do you want to see in Season 2 of the podcast? Would you listen to a bootstrapper’s startup story?