Have you ever seen someone work at their craft and awesomeness just pours out of them? It’s fun to watch, right? Now what if the craft they were amazing at was the exact thing you wish you could be doing? That feels a little different doesn’t it. Instead of being in awe of the artist, […]

Have you ever seen someone work at their craft and awesomeness just pours out of them? It’s fun to watch, right?

Now what if the craft they were amazing at was the exact thing you wish you could be doing?

That feels a little different doesn’t it.

Instead of being in awe of the artist, now it feels more like discouragement you’ll never be that good. And if you can’t be as good as ____, then what’s the use.

If you’ve ever felt like that, then I want to pass along some wisdom that will change everything for you. I know because that’s exactly what it did for me.

In today’s session you’ll learn:

Why you should expect, even hope, to be awful at your next endeavor.
The advice Jon Acuff gave me that changed everything.
How I’m living this out even as I record this session (an unexpected surprise).

Listen now: 032: Why it’s okay to suck at your calling

A podcast for anyone wanting to break free from average...

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A personal note on this session

I’ll be honest, this is a painful podcast to publish. Solo sessions have always been difficult for me even though it’s something I want to excel at one day.

With an interview I can get behind the mic with someone I greatly admire and just ask questions. But with a solo session it’s just me, and it feels pretty lonely and scary at this stage.

There were so many segments in this session I deleted, re-recorded, and fumbled through I almost scrapped the whole thing.

But I didn’t.

Because I believe in the message. Even if the delivery needs some work, and even if it wasn’t my best day for whatever reason, I believe the potential for this message to encourage someone else to start their life’s work.

So in the spirit of today’s message – here it is. And if you listen to the end you’ll get a special secret challenge from me to you (and I hope you take it).