If you don’t ship, then it doesn’t matter. It’s as simple as that. A great idea never executed is worthless. A half finished project doesn’t impact the world. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. In fact, the bigger the project, the more audacious the idea, or the higher the call you’re answering, then the harder […]

If you don’t ship, then it doesn’t matter. It’s as simple as that.

A great idea never executed is worthless. A half finished project doesn’t impact the world.

But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. In fact, the bigger the project, the more audacious the idea, or the higher the call you’re answering, then the harder it will be to ship it (even if you’ve been working on it for months).

I just experienced this recently with the launch of this podcast. I had everything ready, organized, and recorded. All I had left to do was push the publish button and submit my podcast to iTunes.

Listen now: 009: Five keys to shipping a big, scary, world changing project

A podcast for anyone wanting to break free from average...

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That last tiny step was the most difficult though. I came up with a hundred reasons to delay the launch.

In the end I shipped on time as planned. Today I’m going to share five tips to help ensure you get your own projects out the door so they can impact the world.

Five tips to help you ship

Make a commitment you can’t get out of.
Make it a character issue
Take baby steps every single day
Be prepared for the Resistance
Find a support system


Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Travis Robertson’s interview
48 Days community
Fizzle community
Free Agent Underground