Cindy Caughey, co-owner of Harborview Studios, a wedding videography firm based in Cape Cod, believes you can make work the way you want to feel. Show notes at
The post Work The Way You Want To Feel With Cindy Caughey (316) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

Did you realize you can work the way you want to feel?

It’s possible! Why do we all assume work as to be a little miserable to be considered work?

Personally, I want to feel happy, so I found a way to create work that makes me happy and I want the same for you!

Cindy Caughey also believes you can make work the way you want to feel.

She said early on in her career, she figured out pretty quickly that she didn’t like working in an office,  but she admits it still took her a long time to figure out how to make her work, work for her.

Cindy and her husband, Sean, run Harborview Studios, a wedding videography business that serves couples planning destination weddings on Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket.

If you currently receive our weekly reflection reminders every Saturday, you might recognize Cindy’s name. She inspired me to write about why you need to know yourself to work for yourself in our January 25, 2020 edition.

She used to listen to my previous podcast UnStuckable and recently found me again. She emailed me to let me know she was in complete agreement with one of my core messages about starting a successful business: you need to know yourself first!

Lot of great lessons in our conversation including:

How growing up in remote areas fostered her habit of self-reflection.
The process that helped her discover the work she really wanted to do.
Why her definition of reflection is rooted in focusing on your own actions.
How she ended up running a business with her husband.
What she’s learned about setting client expectations and how it changes over time.
Why she and her husband made such and effort to find a way to afford a business consultant.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Practice self-awareness
Manage your energy
Embrace discomfort
Self-direct your learning

How Cindy Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  5:00 – 5:30 am
Core work activities + habits:  1) Have constant communication with couples and new people.  2) Showing up on social media every day.  3) Write constantly for blog posts and takeaways for couples.
Regains focus by:  Being with her husband and taking some time away from work.
90-day business intention:  Showing up on social media 5 days a week.

Inspirational Quotes

“What you want to feel in your day has absolutely nothing to really do with what you do for work.  Your work can really be more malleable.”

“Life gives you signs and when you don’t listen, the signs get louder.”

“Think of it as testing instead of failing.  Just keep adjusting.”

Coaching Advice

To start exploring how you like to learn, Cindy shared this as encouragement:

1) Figure out from which medium you prefer to get your information.

2) Think about the easiest way for you to learn to keep it natural.

3) Consider finding a mentor so you can ask questions instead of trying to self-learn.

Resources + Bonus Materials

LSTM Weekly Reflection Reminder

Related Episodes

Work On What You Want Everyday With Josh Hoffman (256)

Do The Work You Really Want To Do With Samir Ranpara (197)

Connect With Cindy





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The post Work The Way You Want To Feel With Cindy Caughey (316) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.