AI expert Dan Faggella shares his insights about what solopreneurs need to know about AI and how to get ready for it. Show notes at
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I’m sure by now you’ve heard a lot about how automation and artificial intelligence is changing work as we know it. Just think about the ways technology has changed your profession in just the last 5 years! I thought it was time to do a show about what solopreneurs need to know about AI or artificial intelligence and how it might help them grow their businesses.

I know how useful automation is in the running of my business, but I’ve been getting more curious about understanding how I might use AI one day.

We have the perfect guy to help us explain. Dan Faggella is a former solopreneur who sold his previous business the, Science of Skill, to fund his dream of exploring AI business capabilities.

Currently, he’s the founder and CEO of Emerj Artificial Intelligence service, a platform to help business leaders make more productive use of AI.

Dan also shares a ton of useful lessons from his journey as a martial arts academy owner to founder of an AI consulting firm.

The key triggers to know when you need to consider integrating AI into your business strategy.
Why solopreneurs need to focus on their habits, not silver bullets to get ready for AI.
Why Dan built a business instead of getting a job to pay for school.
The key ingredient required for learning any new skill.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Reframe your mindset
Align your habits
Manage your energy
Self-direct your learning

How Dan Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  7:00 – 8:30 am
Core work activities + habits:  1) Produce really excellent editorial material to drive insights.  2) Field inbound calls for high-level customers and be able to close those people.  3) Execute on research deliverables in a timely and consistent manner.
Ideal work environment:  Having a view of nature, having the option to work solo or be a walk away from people he likes working with, and having coffee and water around to stay hydrated.
Superpower:  The ability to haul and heave effort in a consistent and uninterrupted way.
90-day goal:  Complete their first big report on AI and banking as well as overhaul and migrate to their new website.

Inspirational Quotes

“There’s really no downside in having a respect and rigor around the data that’s critical for your business.”

“Deliberate practice is a big, big deal for me and one of the things that’s important there, from the sense of skill development, is some degree of rigor around feedback.” 

Coaching Advice

Becoming a life-long learner is crucial as the nature of work continues to evolve. Dan offers this advice on how to build a learning habit:

1) Find a reason to learn that drives you more than just feeling like you generally need to learn.

2) Develop a compelling idea for what you want your future to be, and then build a learning blueprint around that.

Resources + Bonus Materials

World Bank


Science of Skill

Techemergence (now Emerj)

Dr. K. Anders Ericcson

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dan’s TEDx Talk

Is Artificial Intelligence for Small Business? by Dan Faggella

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Connect With Dan




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The post What Solopreneurs Need To Know About AI With Dan Faggella (271) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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