Learn all about basic income with Scott Santens and why it's a growing possibility as work continues to change as we know it.
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How differently would you pursue your work and passions if you didn’t have to worry about meeting your basic needs? We’re going to learn all about basic income from our very special guest Scott Santens.

Scott is a leading advocate and thought leader for a universal basic income.  He’s been self-employed since 2005, as a writer, web developer and digital marketer.

These days, he gets his basic income covered by those who support his writing about basic income.

It’s getting harder and harder not to discuss the future of work without discussing the possibility of universal basic income, so that’s why I’m so excited for Scott to help us understand what’s all about. We’ll discuss:

The roots of basic income and how it some of its earliest advocates were the founder of free-market economics.
How automation is changing the workforce, thus raising the possible need for basic income.
The mechanics of how a universal basic income could work.
Why we are looking at work all wrong and what might be a healthier perspective.

You’ll notice the format for this episode is a little different to give space to this very important discussion about basic income and its possible role in the future of work.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Reframing your mindset
Practice self-awareness
Self-direct your learning
Building community

Inspirational Quotes

“Is this necessarily dystopian or if we make the right decisions, can this actually be more like a Star Trek future instead of a Mad Max kind of future?”

“If we want automation to work for us, we absolutely have to decouple income from work.”

“We are looking at work all wrong.”

Resources + Bonus Materials

Friedrich Hayek

Milton Freidman

Oxford research in the Future of Employment 


The Villages Retirement Community


Scott’s FAQ

Scott’s Patreon

Basic income Subreddit


Connect With Scott





Thanks for listening! Enjoy this episode?


The post Learn All About Basic Income With Scott Santens (176) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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