Alex Grodnik, founder of Payclub, shares different ways to desensitize yourself to rejection because it's a natural part of starting your own business. Show notes at
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No one likes feeling rejected, but if you want to work for yourself, you need to find a way to get comfortable with it. Alex Grodnik wants to share how to desentitize yourself to rejection.

He’s endured a lot of rejection especially as he tries to secure funding for his fintech startup, Payclub, a new payment app to help groups split expenses more seamlessly.

By his count, he’s been told “no” over 1,000 times on his path to raising $700,000!

Dealing with rejection is such an important topic, Alex and I decided to create a two-part episode about various ways to desensitize yourself to rejection.  Listen to my advice over on his podcast Moving Up.

Lot of great lessons in our conversation including:

Feeling lost after working so hard to get a prestigious job on Wall Street, but quickly realized he didn’t enjoy it.
The process he used to discover his authentic self.
Why scaling a business is sometimes harder than finding customers.
How being a student gives you a calling card to reach out to whomever you want.
How rejection therapy can get you more comfortable with being told “no”.
Get in the habit of asking for what you want to get closer to “yes”.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Practice self-awareness
Align your habits
Build your community
Desensitize yourself to rejection

How Alex Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  5:30 am
Core work activities + habits:  1) Interface with current investors and meet new ones.  2) Talk and communicate with users to get feedback on the product.  3) Spend time with his daughter and wife.
Ideal work environment:  Early in the morning since he feels his productivity drop after around 3:00 pm.
90-day goal:  Making realistic expectations in order to be happier.

Inspirational Quotes

“Everything is 10x harder and longer with startups.”

“It’s a lot of rejection, but the way that I view it is that each one gets me one step closer to a yes.”

Coaching Advice

Having trouble finding the time to do what you really want to do? Alex shared this advice:

1) Be a doer.  Starting with things like emails and phone calls, get things done when they come up so you’re not constantly thinking about 10 different things.

2) Ask yourself whether or not you’re a doer and then evaluate how you feel about your answer.

3) Surround yourself with other people that are doers because that will rub off on you.

Resources + Bonus Materials


Mark Cuban

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Connect With Alex






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The post How To Desensitize Yourself To Rejection With Alex Grodnik (291) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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