Tracy Winchell, host of the Reboots Podcast, shares how to find the thread of your story.
The post Find The Thread Of Your Story with Tracy Winchell (185) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

Tracy Winchell wants to help you find the thread of your story, so you can confidently know, share and live your story

She’s a professional storyteller and the host of the Reboots Podcast based in Fort Smith, AR.

Inspired by her father’s storytelling skills, she wants to demonstrate everyone has a great story inside of them that deserves to be told.

Lot of great nuggets in our conversation including:

How experiencing the death of a close friend made Tracy realize she needed to shift her life toward achieving her bigger goals.
Why it’s important not to just figure out what we want to do, but also what we believe.
She offers insights on how to embrace life transitions.
How she is experimenting with different ways of working to find what truly works for her.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Find the thread of your story
Self-direct your learning
Practice self-awareness
Building community
Purge your life

How Tracy Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  Some days it’s 6:30am, others it’s 7:30am – usually aiming to be at the computer by 8:45-9:15am, but sometimes it doesn’t work that way.
Regains focus by:  Usually a walk, but sometimes it takes a hard reset of blocking almost everything off of the calendar that isn’t the central goal.
90-day goal:  Identify a dozen or so businesses that are currently or could potentially be benefitting from podcasts and help them with a problem in their process.

Inspirational Quotes

“My job is helping people know, share, and live their stories.”

“Sometimes, what we believe, or what we think we believe, gets in the way of what we expect of ourselves in terms of work.”

“We can’t know our story until we fully explore the idea that what we think of ourselves isn’t truly who we are.”

Coaching Advice

To start telling your real, authentic story, Tracy suggests the following actions.

1) Ask a whole lot of questions –  of yourself and others – to ascertain where your expertise may lie.

2) Think specifically about the life you want to live and find a way to own who you really are.

Resources + Bonus Materials

How to Tell Your Story

Stephen’s interview on the Reboots Podcast

Lifestyle Calculator

Zack Sexton

Zack’s Perfect Day blog post

Connect With Tracy




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The post Find The Thread Of Your Story with Tracy Winchell (185) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.