Cory Davis shares how to build a happy business, instead of building a business that will make you miserable.
The post Build a Happy Business With Wellness Coach Cory Davis (141) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

We talk a lot about designing your own work. Work around your values, needs and abilities.

Cory Davis, wants to help you do what you really want to do for work by showing you how to build a happy business, instead of what’s just gonna make you a good buck!

He’s a multipotentialite, meaning he has lots of interests he works on simultaneously.

He manages three businesses, a supplement coaching business, a marketing consultant for natural product brands and he recently started another business helping solopreneurs build happier businesses.

Lot of awesome lessons in this episode including:

How a life crisis helped Cory realize it was time to let go of the “unhappy” business he built for himself and find a way to build a “happy” business.
Why your loved ones and those closest around you might not always be the best compass for building your business.
How developing faith in his habits led to Cory’s current success.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Self-directed learning.
Align habits with your purpose.
Embrace discomfort.

How Cory Works and Thinks

Wake up time:  6:00am or so, doesn’t set an alarm.
Core work activities + habits:  1) Directing business channels using Facebook ads.  2) Not letting social media be the boss, but still creating content.  3) Meditating.
Ideal work environment:  In a community, engaging with others.
How he likes to learn:  Learning by doing and from video courses.
Regains focus by:  Meditating again, getting out of his head and back into his body.
90-day goal:  Give away 20 Squarespace sites.

Inspirational Quotes

“If I have a fundamental desire on this planet, it’s to have all the experiences possible.”

“A really important trait for people that are seeking this kind of lifestyle is that resiliency, it’s really key.”

“Building healthy habits is the only way to really sustain an outcome.”

“I have to have some chaos in my life, some randomness, and that’s what makes me come alive, is that there’s an adventure waiting for me.”

Coaching Advice

To get more in tune with yourself, Cory suggests listening to your inner self by:

Watching the watcher.  Removing yourself from your thoughts and conceiving of them as things that happen to and through you.

Resources + Bonus Materials

Eckhart Tolle

Connect With Cory




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The post Build a Happy Business With Wellness Coach Cory Davis (141) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.