PJ Jonas shares how building a family business rooted in her values and chosen lifestyle is possible.
The post Building A Family Business From Goat Milk Soap With PJ Jonas (139) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

Why do you want to work for yourself? It is for money, attention or a problem you want to solve?

How about building a family business around your desired lifestyle?

That’s what PJ Jonas did. She shares how building a family business rooted in her values and chosen lifestyle is possible.

She’s the founder of Goat Milk Stuff, a company that sells soap made from goat’s milk. She founded it in 2008 and today it employees her entire family of 10, as well as several employees. To date, they have sold over a million bars of soap.

There are a lot of fantastic lessons in our conversation including:

PJ actually never started making goat milk soap to sell it, but a shortfall in her family’s budget helped her recognize it as a business opportunity.
Why giving away free samples is a powerful method for promoting your product or service.
How her business instills her children with the ability to solve real problems and encourages them to never say, “I can’t.”
She recognizes she can’t do it all, so she uses the 80/20 rule to help prioritize everything she needs to do.
And why you need to focus on what you want to do and not what you think you are “suppose” to do.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Embrace discomfort.
Practice self-awareness.
Build community.

How PJ Works and Thinks

Wake up time: 6:00 am, right now;
Core work activities + habits:  1) Processing payroll and handling the financials.  2) Keeping everyone moving in the right direction and making sure people have what they need. 3) Making sure the business is moving forward.
Ideal work environment:  Anywhere as long as everyone is on top of things.
Superpower:  Problem-solving; understanding that there is always a solution.
Regains focus by:  Thinking about her children and how she’s building this business for them.
90-day goal:  Start on writing her first book.

Inspirational Quotes

“If we’re going to do something, we’re going to do it the right way because we don’t want to have anything to hide.”

“If you’re not afraid of hard work, you’re always gonna make it.”

“Perfectionism, so often, is the outside view and how you’re being judged and it’s not the meaningful stuff that matters.”

Coaching Advice

Here are the two most important pieces of advice PJ wants to share from building her business:

1) Family needs to be a priority.

2) People sometimes feel they need permission to say “no,” which can free you up to be able to do more with your family.

Resources + Bonus Materials

State Contacts for Starting a Grade A Goat Dairy

Connect With PJ




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The post Building A Family Business From Goat Milk Soap With PJ Jonas (139) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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