Welcome Lifers,

Today is National Splurge Day.  What's yours going to be?  Can I just say, I think this day may just become my new favorite day of the year.  

I think sometimes we feel we shouldn't indulge or say “splurge” on ourselves.  That we should do for others instead, well that's fine and dandy, but you do deserve a splurge on yourself from time-to-time.


Whatever your indulgence, today is the day to do it. Now you may not be able to jet off and take that yacht on the French Riviera, but, maybe you can “fake it till you make it” so if you have a ferry boat or schooner nearby, jump on and take a ride.  Or it just might be your local 'cruise' around the lake, just get going and have some indulgence.


Have you ever smelled the wonderful fragrance from a Jo Malone scented candle, or her amazing fragrances? Or, what about a lovely Diptique candle or even better yet, how about their body lotions. I once bought one  from Bergdorf Goodman's in NYC and used it for years (a long-lasting splurge indeed). Yes, I said years, since I would only use it on special occasions, or, days when I felt down in the dumps and needed a quick pick me up. That's one of the wonderful things about fragrances, they really can kick the senses into high gear.


What about a splurge on taking yourself on a much needed over-night stay at your favorite  bed and breakfast hotel or even a friends cabin? Can you feel the peace rolling off you yet?

What about taking a splurge with a splash in a beautiful bubble bath, or, any body of water will do, do you live near a lake, a pond, a pool, or have a friends with one? See if you can swing by and take a dip, be sure to do it alone if possible and float your worries away. 

Don't delay, be sure to give yourself a bit of a splurge today and have fun.  

