Today's Life's Black Belt is Candice Bakx-Friesen.  Candice is a successful real estate entrepreneur that manages 4 businesses, 4 children and a large portfolio of rental properties. 

We talk about her life growing up as a career focused and independent woman that didn't focus on finding a husband or having children. 

That all changed when she met her future husband and together they decided that having a family didn't hinder their goals or dreams but rather was an integral part of them.

Candice also speaks about how her first child was born with a disability that is of course a part of their every day life.  How they continued to have more children and grow their family and businesses all at the same time.

In addition to a very successful real estate portfolio, Candice helps to coach others in her industry. She also loves helping families to create a lasting improvement in their finances. Her goal is to leave a legacy that will change lives many years after she is gone.

I really enjoyed our conversation and I think that her thoughts on life, family and career is very inspirational.  I hope you enjoy it as well and take some positive lessons from it.

You can also watch our interview on YouTube:

If you would like to learn more about Candice you can find her at the following links.

Podcast info:

[email protected]

Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: @lifesblackbelts

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