Next Episode: Episode #2 - Paul Alders

In this intro episode Eric discusses what the idea is for the Podcast "Life's Black Belts." Guests chosen to interview won't all be in the marital arts but rather how we view them as Black Belt's in life. That doesn't mean perfection just like in martial arts. The path to Black Belt has a beginning, lot's of challenges and adversity and the need to constantly learn and grow. To overcome failure and stay focused on your goal. Then when the goal is reached you need to continue your growth, there is no perfection. Just like in life. Celebrities are not the only people with interesting and inspiring stories. We want to highlight these everyday heroes. How have they overcome their challenges. What do they still struggle with. What are they proficient in. How they have created a successful business, marriage and more. The hope is to show how all of us have amazing stories that we can find inspiration in. Maybe it will help you to put your phone down and talk the the stranger across the room or on the bus. To take the time to get to know their story. I've put this off for too long out of fear of failure. This episode will be choppy and not my best. I hope to learn, grow and improve as a podcaster. I chose to launch now to remove my excuses and accept the hardest thing in any new goal is to just get started. So that's what I'm doing. I hope you join me on this journey. I have no idea where it will take me or a potential audience. But I'm excited to give it my all. I'd rather try and fail then have the fear to start in the first place. Stay tuned to our future interviews and episodes. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and more. Share with friends and if you like and listen, please give us a 5 star rating in the itunes store.