Tonight's episode caught me off guard!

( Content Warning this episode contains references to drug use, suicide and other confronting stories if you feel you need help here are some useful resources for you to access)
(brothers unite facebook)
(australian brotherhood of fathers)

Amongst the word starting to spread about the podcast a complete stranger has gotten in touch with the show!

"Thommo" got in touch with the show and stated he had a story he would like to share. He bravely opens up about his dark past touching on the complexities of narcotic addiction and how it can affect relationships of those closest to you.

I had never met Thommo before but he has shown bravery talking to a complete stranger and allowing us the honor of hearing his story. Thommo was a drug user / dealer and paints us a picture of how reliance on a substance can turn even those closest to you away.

I commend Thommo on his bravery and honesty about the struggles he also faced with his mental health..

If you feel this story has helped you get in touch with the show

[email protected]
facebook : Lifes a mitch podcast public page.

enjoy cheers M!