Do you like Metal ?
Do you like your face melting off at a live gig ?

Then tune into this episode , this week I interview the lead singer of Australian metal band 'Temtris' . I would like you all to meet Genevieve Rodda AKA Gen .

Gen chats about her 20 plus year music career and opens up about her time in the Australian metal scene . Temtris are a powerful heavy metal band consisting of 5 very talented musicians .

Led by Gen they have been touring for a number of years and with the recent release of album #6 'RITUAL WARFARE' I thought it a good time to invite her on the show.

I encourage you all to listen to them (Found on all streaming services) and if you're in Australia they have some tour dates in October details can be found on the socials and website posted below and feel free to interact with them they are very generous with their time .

Thanks Guys Mitch :)

Website :

