Bonnie is a 64 year old mother of three, step-mother of seven, grandmother of twenty-three, and great-grandmother of one, who has struggled with weight and health issues all of her life.

In the middle of January 2016, she decided to try again…she was 252.8 lbs, on medications for diabetes (4 Metformin and up to 80 units of Insulin a day), had high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, was feeling lousy and had difficulty even walking any distance. She and her husband joined a gym, and all she could really do there was walk in the pool. She says, “The water helped to hold me up straight because the pool was only 3 feet deep, and I knew the likelihood of my drowning was slim, so I felt I would probably be ok!” It was there that she was introduced to a way of eating that started her down this road to health and weight loss. She has currently lost 56.6 lbs since the middle of January, has gone off Insulin, and all medications for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. She says she has at least 50 more lbs to go, but is confident that these too will come off, because this way of eating does not leave her feeling deprived or hungry. In her search, she found many websites, many from doctors promoting this way of eating, and Facebook pages with helpful information, research results, and delicious recipes that made all the difference in her being able to stick with this way of eating. “Feeling great and being able to go off her medications was reward enough for me”, she says,” but the weight loss is an awesome bonus.” She now weighs less than she did in 1984.