Nicole Mapu creator of CulebrArte

Chilean Transformational Artist and Soul Birthing Coach

has live in Canada for 10 years.

She from chile following her hart after a Profound Awakening experience witch open and free her up into self Love, acceptance and absolute trust of her Body Unique Beauty and powers.

Arriving in Canada gave her the impulse to feel like she could reinvent herself and be who she really was without self impose limitations.

Which lead to her Journey as a Dancer and Dance teacher. wanting to share Dance as a way to heal and fall in love with your body and soul.

Re awaken the Artist on herself and use Dance and different visual Arts as a channel to connect to Spirit and the higher Self.

Having 2 Transformational  Unassisted home Births was what took her into Becoming a Rhythm Soul Birthing Coach. and supporting Woman Thru a Transformation into Fully Loving Trusting and being One with their bodies and thru there accessing our innate wild Wisdom.

THis is her offering and commitment to help with our healing and evolution.