Our first episode in the series of interview with Entrepreneurs that are building a business they love.

Tonight's guest is Chris Anderson | Founder & CEO of Pencil Leadership | Coach for Online Entrepreneurs | Podcaster

Chris's background in Sport coaching led him to discover his passion towards helping others begin to build a life they love. 

Find more about Chris: linktr.ee/Chris.t.anderson

In this episode he shares his story, experience, and insights he discovered along his journey. 

Below you can find a time breakdown of the topics we touched:

0:01:23 - Chris's Background
0:03:33 - Are you an night own or morning lark?
0:05:25 - What are you passionate about or in other words what can keep you up at night?
0:08:06 - What is your why behind the business?
0:10:45 - Running a business you are passionate about, how do you manage to balance between family, business, and yourself?
0:13:59 - Do you have any tips for the listeners on finding balance?
0:16:09 - Diving deeper into balance finding, how do you make decisions and set priorities?
0:18:59 - Do you have something like an ideal life scenario prepared or how far ahead do you plan things in your life?
0:20:29 - Where do you keep your goals not to forget where you are heading?
0:21:58 - How do you plan your week? What helps you to be productive?
0:28:48 - Can you name one monthly, one weekly and one daily activity that is pivotal to your business growth?
0:32:04 - What does outreach mean?
0:35:27 - On what do you spend 50% of the workday???
0:36:42 - What advice can you give on the topic of outsourcing tasks?
0:38:41 - What was the first thing you outsourced?
0:43:08 - First hire?
0:44:28 - What is the most important step of the buyer's journey and what should that step have, to maximize conversion?
0:46:13 - A must have to build brand authority
0:47:13 - In your case can you name one tool or system that gave you a massive boost to your self-awareness?
0:49:58 - The Enneagram experience
0:53:22 - Change in self-perception with growth in income
0:57:18 - What do you think actually influenced your growth of income?
0:59:24 - Having a busy lifestyle, do you have any self-care rituals?
1:02:27 - How important was and is your surrounding to your growth and success?
1:04:16 - Who were had the most influence on you?
1:06:31 - What did it take to create your surrounding? Or how did it come to be?
1:08:02 - What strategies helped you the most to find the right people?
1:10:18 - Reaching out to people we admire
1:14:25 - What advice would you give to the listeners on what can they do right now, to make the most out of 2021 in their business?