For Life on Purpose Episode #99, my guest is author, writing, and leadership coach Dave Ursillo.    Dave played a major role in my podcasting journey as not only have we talked multiple times on this show, but 10 years ago, he was guest #1 on my first podcast Radio Enso. So I invited him back to talk about where we were then, where we are now, and our respective journeys through the years.   “The key to living a full and whole life comes down to how well you know your True Self — and how you express that inner truth in your little corner of our planet.”   About Dave Ursillo:   "I’m a writer, an 11-time author, and a writing coach and leadership coach. I’m on a mission to help creatives, business owners and professionals share their voices, stories, and messages in our world. I also love to travel, I’m an avid home cook and baker, and I treat my morning coffee like some do fine wines.

Beyond my writing and publishing occasional books, I’m a fully self-employed creative professional and have been working for myself in a small business-of-one called Lead Without Followers, LLC., since 2009.

Once upon a time, I quit my job in politics and left a young career path in public service behind so that I could follow my dream to share my words with others — and to share some good in the world.

Today, I spend my days immersed in clarifying conversations as a writing and creativity coach, a leadership coach to small business owners and creative entrepreneurs, and occasionally as a communications strategist and story consultant.

In between my client work, I write an every-other-weekly newsletter called Chronicles of the Self-Storied Life, which is read by a few thousand readers worldwide, and publish occasional free resources like writing and journaling prompts.

I am always creating new and thoughtful educational content like e-courses, hosting occasional in-person workshops, and putting on digital experiences like webinars to help the creatively-curious, conscientious journeyers, everyday-yogis, self-employed entrepreneurs, bloggers, self-starters, and personal development practitioners express themselves more fully."

To learn more about Dave and his work, visit: