My guest for Life on Purpose Episode #91 is author, intuitive, and energy medicine practitioner Ellen Meredith. She's served on the faculty of energy medicine pioneer Donna Eden since 2010 and teaches energy healing techniques all over the world.

In her brand new book The Language Your Body Speaks: Self-Healing with Energy Medicine (published on May 5 by New World Library), she helps readers become active participants in the energetic conversations that are constantly happening between their body, mind, and spirit. The book offers a comprehensive guide for using movement, gesture, light, sound, vibration, imagery, actions, and more to dialogue with the body, mind, and spirit.

“If you learn the LANGUAGE of energy, learn to let your body, mind, and spirit communicate to you in THEIR wisdom about what your instrument needs, and then provide that moment by moment, you will heal,” says Ellen.

About Ellen Meredith:

“You have asked to know us, and so we are here.”
With these words, in 1978, Ellen's world cracked open. Her beloved – but dead – grandmother appeared in her mind's eye with an invitation to open to inner guidance and training, offered by seven groups of inner teachers that Ellen came to call her Councils.

Though this was definitely an unexpected twist in her plot, Ellen embraced the opportunity to dive deeper and learn. Dialogues with her Councils led her into a rich experiential curriculum, exploring a wide range of topics, including sensing subtle energies, what it means to embody spirit, healing, and the language of energy.

It is a training that continues to this day. And along the way, Ellen has worked with over 10,000 clients and students worldwide, helping them to hear their own inner truth, activate healing, and cultivate awareness and well-being.

Ellen's down to earth, yet inspiring work centers on helping you:

• Tap into your inner guidance
• Recognize your unique gifts and nature
• Learn self-healing
• Cultivate well-being

In addition to her adventures in the inner realms, Ellen holds a Doctor of Arts in Writing, worked internationally in advocacy work on behalf of children and families living in poverty, and served on the Certification Program faculty of energy medicine pioneer Donna Eden. Ellen lives in San Rafael, California.
