Life on Purpose returns with Episode #88, the third of several informal chats in a series I’m calling Seeing The Light In Uncertain Times.

My guest for this episode is spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, author, and coach Eric Klein of Wisdom Heart and Dharma Consulting, who returns to the show for the fourth time in the past decade.

Taped in April 2020 as people around the world were dealing with the ramifications and massive uncertainty with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Eric joined me for a wisdom-filled conversation on facing our fears and living free in uncertain times.

We discussed various ways you can do that and stay connected to your deepest purpose via wisdom from a 2,500 year-old Indian text, the Bhagavad Gita, that Eric says is a guidebook for our times.    We also talked about concepts like integration and wholeness; dharma and your customized path; how to untangle your life from the illusions/tenuous nature of conditioning; letting go of what no longer serves us; the importance of practices (even starting today); how to build the capacity for/cultivate more wakefulness and loving awareness; seeing the openings/doorways; tools for dealing with these times, and so much more!
About Eric:

Eric Klein is a spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, author, and coach. For the past three decades, he has been a leading voice in the movement to bring greater spirit, mindfulness, and meaning to the workplace through his writing, training, and speaking through his company Dharma Consulting.
He’s worked with over 30,000 leaders from a wide variety of settings: Fortune 500 companies, healthcare, governmental and non-profit organizations as well as mid-size companies.

Eric is also the author of the bestselling books Awakening Corporate Soul: Four Paths to Unleash the Power of People at Work, To Do or Not To Do: How Successful Leaders Make Better Decisions based on research and experiences with more than 200 companies, and You are the Leader You’ve Been Waiting For which won a 2008 Nautilus Award as a world changing book in the conscious leadership/business category.

His new course is called Face Fear – Live Free: A 40-Day Experience of the Bhagavad Gita, based on the teachings of one of the world’s most precious texts of spiritual wisdom. It answers the question: How can you stay connected to your deepest purpose & wisdom – even in difficult and uncertain times?   ###