For Life on Purpose Episode #67, my guest is tailor made careerist Julian Mather, who says he wasn’t at school the day they taught conventional career planning. A chronic truant, he self-educated and read between the lines to find the secrets to turning his obsession into his profession. From high school failure to Army sniper to globe trotting TV cameraman to kids entertainer to online entrepreneur he really hasn’t felt he has a worked a day in his life. And at 55 he says he’s only just beginning to hit his straps.

Julian joined me for a high-energy chat about realizing your career potential after age 40; how to use your own life experience/journey to create content that others can benefit from; shifting from an hourly rate model to charging for value; and tales from his own unique life story.

"The day and age of the massive corporations that take care of us from beginning to end are over. That’s just a reality. Workforce change is upon us. It is time to look for alternatives. As a 40+ worker, you must expand your options. Allow me to show you the way.

In the decade or so that I've been earning income online something struck me along the way. The 20 to 30 year olds are taking the lead with this but they have relatively little experience to impart. 40,50,60 year olds don’t even know about this and they have rich experience that is going to waste."

About Julian: This is the best time ever to be over 40. Never has it been so easy to leverage your life experience, your hard won knowledge, your relative financial stability, your wits and your deep down belief that you have more to say, more to give, more to ‘be’, than just a cog in the big post industrial workforce.

Your guide Julian Mather wasn’t at school the day they taught conventional career planning.

A chronic truant he self educated and read between the lines to find the secrets to turning his obsession into his profession. From high school failure to Army sniper to globe trotting TV cameraman to kids entertainer to online entrepreneur he really hasn’t felt he has a worked a day in his life. And at 55 he says he’s only just beginning to hit his straps.

And he wants you to realise your potential too.

Whether for income or just for fun, creating your own career is possible, it’s very real and it’s the best time history to do this.

350,000 hours in the making, Tailor Made Career gives you tools, resources and roadmaps so you don’t go to the grave regretting the job choices you made.

To learn more about Julian and his work, visit: