For Life on Purpose Episode #49, my guest is writer, author, yoga teacher, and traveler Dave Ursillo, who returns for a fourth conversation on my shows. Dave was Guest #1 on my very first podcast (Radio Enso) back in 2011 and his wisdom, tools, and life experience always make for an excellent chat!

Throughout the various threads of his work, he helps creatives, self-starters and everyday yogis use their words to live the stories they want to be telling.

Dave joined me for a great conversation about conscious life evolution, creativity, the freedom of NOT knowing, what he's learned from teaching yoga, habit change, cultivating the right container for personal and creative growth, the notion of "service", the importance of tribe, karma vs. dharma, and much more!

About: Dave Ursillo is a teacher of writing, yoga and self-expression. He helps self-starters use their words, stories and voices to create healing within and share love in our world. In his former life, Dave was an aspiring presidential speechwriter and sought a path of leadership after 9/11/2001 to become a part of positive change in our world. He abandoned his career in 2009 to dedicate his life to his writing, through which he knew he could lead by example.

Today, as a teacher, workshop leader and founder of an online writers' group, The Literati Writers (, Dave teaches conscientious creatives, self-starters and everyday-yogis how to cultivate their gifts, speak their truth and embody their deepest values. He has brought his teachings to hundreds of thousands of readers and across three continents, and has been seen on CBS News Sunday Morning, Psychology Today, Zen Habits, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. He lives in Rhode Island.

To learn more about Dave and his work, visit: