For Life on Purpose Episode #41, my guest is artist, photographer, life coach, and mentor Andrea Scher, the creator of Superhero Life — "where we all learn together to use our voices, share our superpowers and live life in full color."

Andrea joins me for a great conversation about her work as a creative, coach, and healer; her Mondo Beyondo talk at WDS 2011 that helped inspire my first podcast (Radio Enso); her creative practices and classes, and much, much more!

About: I’m Andrea Scher, creator of Superhero Life — where we all learn together to use our voices, share our superpowers and live life in full color. As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.

Back in 1995 when I was living in New Orleans, a tarot card reader told me that I was an artist. At the time, I held an oh-so practical degree in Economics, and rarely shared my passion for painting + photography with anyone. (But then, you can’t fool a good psychic.)

She also said that my real work was as a healer — that I would heal people through my art. All of the hairs on my arms pricked up. All I could think was: Yes! Yes! But how? I never forgot that wise woman (she is still my spiritual advisor to this day) or that quiet promise I made to myself — to fulfill my true calling, and be a healing force in the world.

But first, I had to start with myself. I began painting every day.

I began painting . . . to find freedom + flexibility. To find the joy in the mess. To keep myself feeling engaged and alive and curious — not necessarily to save the world, but simply to fully experience it.

But that’s the beauty of doing what we love — we delight ourselves first, and we can’t help but serve others in the process.

To me, a Superhero is someone who invites her wisest, bravest, most alive self to come out and play, every day.

This doesn’t mean having all the answers, being unshakably strong, or performing dramatic feats of heroism.It means being someone like you – and someone like me.

Someone who is anxious and uncertain, oh, say, 50 – 80% of the time. Someone who wants to live a juicy, full, courageous life — but doesn’t always know how. Someone who understands that vulnerability just might be the greatest superpower of all.

“To me, a Superhero is someone who invites her wisest, bravest, most alive self to come out and play, every day."

Superhero Life is a love letter + resourceful playground for all my fellow creative superheroes. Moms who want to paint. Painters who want to write. Writers who want to travel. And travelers who want to come home.

I’ve been writing + teaching online for nearly 10 years — back when the web was a much quieter place. My intention is to make Superhero Life feel like a virtual oasis — a space for unhurried healing, beauty, and joy to unfold.

To learn more about Andrea and her work: