For Life on Purpose Episode #21, my guests are Heather Thorkelson, a location-independent business strategist, certified life coach, occasional Antarctic expedition guide, and founder of the Republic of Freedom and Leah Kalamakis, a location-independent freelance web designer & developer and the founder of The Freelance To Freedom Project. Heather and Leah join me to discuss making the LEAP to self-employment and freelancing (which we've all three done); the joys and challenges of self-employment; and their helpful LEAP Guide, which includes "everything you need to know to start and grow your freelance business so you can quit your soul-sucking job and start living life on your own terms."

About Heather: Despite seven years working for a pharmaceutical company that she’d rather forget, she left the golden handcuffs behind with no plan and still managed to do all kinds of grown-up things like buy a house and get a dog and travel the world while building an awesome passion-fueled business where she gets paid to help people. (She’s still in disbelief about that.) 43 countries traversed, 7 continents visited, and 7 countries inhabited outside of her homeland (Canada), Heather is an entirely self-made woman who knows fear, uncertainty, adventure, and personal responsibility (plus a few languages) like the back of her hand. She can often be heard waxing poetic over a craft beer, “It ain’t always easy, but it’s always worth it.”

About Leah: She spent years in a corporate job because that’s what she was supposed to do, but was only thinking, “This is as good as it gets?” She decided to learn a new skill (web design) after discovering you don’t need a 4-year/$40k degree to do so, side-hustled to build her business and surpassed her corporate income 3 months after her LEAP. Along with running a rockin’ web design business, Leah now helps freelancers take their skills, escape their soul-sucking jobs and start living life on their terms. When she’s not hanging out online, you can find her eating popcorn, riding her scooter along the French coast, or taking le apèro on a terrace in Biarritz.

To learn more about the LEAP Guide, visit:

To learn more about Heather, visit:

To learn more about Leah, visit: