For Life on Purpose Episode #15, I'm joined by entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and coach Shelli Johnson from Shelli dares her clients to go off-trail and uphill and to choose their way even if it's the hard way. She asks each of us this crucial question: "We all have an Epic Life; are we living it?"

About: In short, people and organizations hire me to light a fire that is inside of them but that may be smoldering or not yet lit. I help you pull yourself up by the bootstraps. I help you get back on the horse. Actually I help you get on the horse in the first place, and the more unforgettable the ride, the better, since the ride is your life. Once in a while, you should have to hold onto your hat!

Speaking of hats, I wear many. I'm an entrepreneur. The Webby Award-winning was my first. An amazing team & I built it over 15 years before selling it to Active Interest Media, the owner of Backpacker, Yoga Journal, and other great magazines. I am a master at bootstrapping and leveraging limited resources. I love creating things and "route-finding" my way to discovery. In 2009, I started my professional reinvention, and started Epic Life Inc/ I'm also a life & leadership coach (CPCC and ICF), a Certified Emotional Intelligence Consultant (EQ-i 2.0 & EQ 360), a NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, a motivational speaker, social media and personal branding consultant, writer, media producer, NOLS grad, certified Wilderness First Responder, and adventure guide. 

Mostly, I'm a "champion-for-hire." Someone who wants to, or has to, climb a tall mountain – i.e. make, or endure, a big change in their life – will often enlist me as a coach to help them make the climb. People hire me when they’re thinking about (metaphorically) climbing the mountain, or when they are at the base of said mountain. Often I get “called in” when they’re already en route up the mountain but they hit a particularly difficult patch and they feel they can’t go it alone. They want to stay the course, but could use some help. Rather than giving up on the climb, they hire me as their coach and they lean in and finish the work. In other words, I’m not a helicopter that gets called in. You don't hire me to bail you out. Rather, you hire me to help you overcome the crux..

To learn more about Shelli and her work, visit: