Dr. Eric Maisel is a bestselling author, psychotherapist, and creativity coach. He's the author of 40 books on a wide variety of subjects, from the challenges of living the creative life to natural psychology, the new psychology of meaning; those books including Fearless Creating, The Van Gogh Blues, and Coaching the Artist Within. A licensed psychotherapist, he reaches thousands through his Psychology Today and Fine Art America blogs, his print column in Professional Artist magazine, and workshops in the United States and abroad. He's an advocate for a changed and revitalized view of mental health services, one that does away with our current mental disorder naming system. He's also an advocate for a global paradigm shift from seeking meaning to making meaning, a very crucial distinction that we'll talk about today.

His latest book, LIFE PURPOSE BOOT CAMP, recently released on New World Library, talks about that very shift, as he helps readers who are seeking meaning in their lives understand how, by adopting certain ideas and engaging in specific practices, they can effectively meet their pressing life purpose challenges.  To do that, he suggests that readers do three things, which he explains in great detail in the book: get clear on what their unique life is all about, upgrade their personalities, and manage their circumstances as mindfully as they can.

We talk all about that, along with his life journey, and how he lives his own life "on purpose". For more information on Eric, visit: http://ericmaisel.com.