
Return of the GlobeWrider

May 20, 2010 17:36

Sorry ladies and gents but GlobeWrider has been on hiatus.....no, I haven't been on vacation (but I have taken a couple of trips recently!)....Basically GlobeWrider has been completely revamped and updated to include many other services in the travel industry. Have you ever traveled somewhere and felt lost at any point? I don't just mean physically lost, but just lost in the literal meaning of the word. The travel industry has just become so convoluted and inundated with materialistic ideas ...

Official Trailer

January 09, 2010 16:55 Video


New Beginning: A 2010 Odyssey

December 31, 2009 02:45

Hello Blogger World! This is the very first and official blog of the one and only Nati Roman, Globerider! It is the day before New Year's Eve 2009 and we are on the brink of a new beginning. We are all phoenixes and this is our Genesis for our new lives. When the ball drops at midnight tomorrow night it will mark a new second, a new minute, a new hour, a new day, a new month, a new year, a new decade and a new life... So let us toast to this new beginning and commence our 2010 odyssey! I ...