Latino Outdoors' José González is an experienced educator in formal and informal education settings with an array of associated interests in the arts, education, conservation, and the environment. He has broad experience as a K-12 public education teacher, environmental education advisor, outdoor education instructor and coordinator, and university adjunct faculty. He received his B.A at the University of California, Davis, and his M.S at the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources & Environment. His teaching credential coursework was at the Bilingual Multicultural Education Department at California State University, Sacramento.

As a public school teacher, he taught courses in Spanish, Social Studies, Behavior Intervention for at-risk youth, and English Language Development in middle school and high school settings. As a Program Coordinator at San Jose State University with the California Mini-Corps Program, he trained and led groups of undergraduate students providing direct instructional services to migrant students in partner school districts and in outdoor education programs. At the University of Michigan, School of Education, he was an instructor for science education in their undergraduate program. Recently, at the National Hispanic University, he has taught course on Science Methods, Math Methods, Primary & Secondary Language Development, Latino Culture, and Technology Integration at the Teacher Education Department.  

Latino Outdoors is a community first and an organization second. They are a community that strives for an outdoors that is safe and welcoming for all people, regardless of race, creed, nationality, language, gender, sexual orientation, or ability. They also are a community that celebrates diverse forms of outdoor engagement. and a community that believes meaningful outdoor experiences make us stronger, healthier, and happier.

José founded Latino Outdoors to provide for a focused conversation on the Latinx experience without being limited to it. Our community’s voices are varied while remaining united in celebrating diversity and declaring it a core tenet of Latino Outdoors.

Latino Outdoors' José González looks forward to opportunities and collaborating with organizations seeking to diversify their outdoor and conservation programs. He is available for trainings, workshops, and speaking engagements around these topics.