Nahko is a man of multiple truths and multiple identities. His heritage is Apache, Puerto Rican, Filipino and Guamanian, but the indie folk rock star was raised in a white Christian household by adopted parents. His long journey of self-discovery culminated in him receiving a Native American Music Award in 2017.

On the show, we discuss how Nahko first broke out of the box of Christian fundamentalism with psychedelics and how the prayers and guidance of his elders directed him back to his indigenous roots. We talk about whiteness as a longing for homeland, but also the harm in glorifying indigeneity and spiritual practices. We talk about medicine and music in the time of coronavirus. Finally, we end with Nahko’s creative process and his new album “Take Your Power Back”.

This interview was recorded just as news of George Floyd’s murder was breaking, so while we speak extensively about racial identity, we don’t cover police brutality, protesting, or injustice towards black communities in America.

Nahko is a musician, a storyteller, and an activists who is passionate about indigenous protection and environmental stewardship. From longing for validation from the Native American community to breaking free of the boxes of identity, Nahko has much to teach all of us about transcending our understanding of ourselves.

“Take Your Power Back”:

:17 How psychedelics reframed the fundamentalist Christian teachings of Nahko’s adoptive patents
:27 How to believe outside the box
:35 Nahko’s journey from seeking validation to winning a Native American Music Award, to understanding that is is more than.
:45 Whiteness is lost and seeks a true homeland
:55 The harm of glorification of indigeneity and spiritual practices
:59 The importance of sitting with the discomfort of our triggers
1:05 Medicine in the time of Coronavirus
1:15 Nahko’s creative process
1:22 My favorite line from Nahko’s new album: “Does a perfect world exist and would I want to live there?”