What if the coronavirus crisis is an initiation for humanity? What if, amidst all this suffering and uncertainty, we have an opportunity to rewrite the story of our species? What if this is the moment we’ve been waiting for to step into our sovereignty and forge a mature partnership with our Mother Earth? Many of us have been asking these questions, but to my knowledge, no one has explored these ideas with the depth and precision of Charle’s Eisenstein’s powerful new essay, The Coronation.

On today’s episode I speak to Charles about his magnificent 9,000 word piece, following its arch from our cultural sense of separation and fear of death, through to the splendid possibility of sovereign investiture. Along the way we discuss germ theory vs terrain theory, the missteps of magical thinking and spiritual ego, and Charles’ own experience of initiation during these chaotic times. Death is the worst possible catastrophe for the separate self, but something inside us must die in the crucible of our becoming.

Charles is an author, public speaker, and an advocate of the gift economy. He has written six books, including The Ascent of Humanity (2007), Sacred Economics (2011), The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (2013) and Climate - A New Story (2018).

How long is the journey from crisis to coronation? It may be very long and will certainly be very difficult, but a more beautiful world is possible.

The Coronation: https://charleseisenstein.org/essays/the-coronation/
Charles Eisenstein: https://charleseisenstein.org/

:11 How our trend towards separation existed before coronavirus but has become more obvious and clear
:15 Why we choose safety, security, and self-preservation over all other values and why death is the worst possible catastrophe for the separate self
:22 The crisis reveals our deep need and longing for real experiences
:26 Bringing the those most vulnerable into our conversation and how suffering comes back to those who believe that they are privileged in the form of disconnection
:36 Why the coronavirus is a rite of passage
:48 Why do we mobilize for coronavirus and not nuclear armageddon or ecological collapse? Germ theory vs terrain theory
:56 How do we respond to this crisis in a way that builds our personal sovereignty and prepares us to take on the challenges of the world?
:64 How do we combat magical thinking and spiritual ego in confronting this crisis?
1:16: Generosity comes from having received, going all the way back to infancy
1:20 How is Charles personally responding to this crisis