This episode features an enlightening chat about the multifaceted theatre mindset with Jessica ‘Decky’ Alexander! While listening, share the show on social media! Give us a rating, leave a review if you’re feelin’ it friend, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. Thanks for listening, I appreciate you!

The Tea aka Topics: Theatre, Applied Theatre, Eastern Michigan University, Community Building, Community Theatre, Future of Theatre, Theatre in Everyday Life, Closeup Theatre Troupe, Nonprofit, Storytelling, Improvisation, Autoethnography, Organizational Storytelling, EMU Engage, Audience, Process to Product, Academia, Project Management, Communication, Adapting, Planning, Spontaneity, Life Skills, Creating Your Own Path, Theatre Mindset, Applying Skills, Animals, Birds, Improvisation for Everyday Life, Presence, NEA4, Holly Huges, AIDS Performance, Activism, Activist Theatre

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Learn More About Decky:

Tyler’s Tip:

Interested in applied theatre? Check out the work that these incredible companies are doing. 

The Center for Performance and Civic Practice: Theatre: at Matrix Theatre in Detroit: Theatre Company:

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