Today’s episode of Life in 22 Minutes, Scott and Becky Mackintosh welcome Tres Hatch. Tre shares how to be healthy and free of a body battle by re-writing inner monologues and living true desires. She boldly claims and explains “There is no bad food”. Body Peace and freedom from negative self-talk are core principles that Tre shares.
As a TV Chef, speaker, and acclaimed author, her journey began as she overcame a life-long struggle to lose 110-pounds without dieting, and more remarkably, developed a happy relationship with food. She chronicles this journey in her book: Miracle Pill: 10 Truths to Healthy, Thin, & Sexy. Her new cook book, Daily Fuel: Global Flavors—Plenty of Plants—Premium Food Every Day, is due for release Summer of 2018.

Today’s episode of Life in 22 Minutes, Scott and Becky Mackintosh welcome Tres Hatch. Tre shares how to be healthy and free of a body battle by re-writing inner monologues and living true desires. Body Peace and freedom from negative self-talk are core principles that Tre shares as she reveals there is no bad food, and 3 keys to freedom and body issues.

As a TV Chef, speaker, and acclaimed author, her journey began as she overcame a life-long struggle to lose 110-pounds without dieting, and more remarkably, developed a happy relationship with food.   She chronicles this journey in her book: Miracle Pill: 10 Truths to Healthy, Thin, & Sexy.  Her new cook book, Daily Fuel: Global Flavors—Plenty of Plants—Premium Food Every Day, is due for release Summer of 2018.

Through her transformational writing and events she launches clients into freedom from body image issues, teaches how to overcome compulsive eating, and helps audiences shift into true paradigms that fuel balance, peace and happiness.

·      Happy Speaker

·      Fun Interactive Workshops

·      Acclaimed Author

·      Passionate Foodie and Culinary Educator

·      Seen on: TV, Radio, Books, Articles, Webinars, Blogs

·      Mentor and Coach

·      Successful Business Woman

·      Fulfilled Wife & Mother

Tres Hatch, Founder Body Peace©

To watch clips of presentations, coaching tips, cooking segments, and read published articles and excerpts from her books please visit: .