Today on Life in 22 Minutes, Scott and Becky Mackintosh welcome educator Jeanie Cisco-Meth. Jeanie shares her passion behind empowering excellence and self esteem to teens and audiences throughout the nation. Raised on a dairy farm in Morton, Washington she spent her time learning the importance of responsibility and hard work.



Today on Life in 22 Minutes, Scott and Becky Mackintosh welcome educator Jeanie Cisco-Meth.  Jeanie shares her passion behind empowering excellence and self esteem to teens and audiences throughout the nation.  Raised on a dairy farm in Morton, Washington she spent her time learning the importance of responsibility and hard work. She loved animals and physical labor. School and academia were not her specialty. She was diagnosed with many learning differences in the first grade and told she would never make it through high school. She was too dumb. She had different ideas. After graduating from high school and then the University of Utah, she became an educator and used the skills she had learned to help many troubled teens find success for nearly two decades.

More about Jeanie:  Jeanie works with both teens and adults across the nation. She enjoys empowering them to greater personal value and excellence. Jeanie has been featured in many magazines, her favorite being Forbes. She has also been on radio stations across the country and recently appeared on ABC. Sit back and get ready to be educated and entertained while changing your life.

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