Today on Life in 22 Minutes, Scott and Becky Mackintosh interview Bill Humbert, Bill is a Recruiting Consultant, Senior Career Transition Consultant, and Author of RecruiterGuy’s Guide to Finding a Job. Join us as Bill Humbert spills the beans of the success of his 44 year marriage, his trek from Washington DC to LA without a car and the meaning and success of S.C.A.M.P.S.

Today on Life in 22 Minutes, Scott and Becky Mackintosh interview Bill Humbert, Bill is a Recruiting Consultant, Senior Career Transition Consultant, and Author of RecruiterGuy’s Guide to Finding a Job. Join us as Bill Humbert spills the beans of the success of his 44 year marriage, his trek from Washington DC to LA without a car and the meaning and success of S.C.A.M.P.S. 

More about Bill Humbert: He is a Professional Speaker with the National Speakers Association. As a nationally recognized expert in both recruitment and in career transition, he is often called to speak. He has been married for 44 years to Linda; and they have 2 married daughters and two delightful granddaughters.

On April 6, 1969, Bill read in an advertisement in The Washington Post that Greyhound would take passengers from Washington, DC to Los Angeles in 5 days. Ironically, he was attending Assumption College (Greyhounds) at the time. He thought, “If Greyhound can do it...So can I!”

Most people have heard that setting goals is important for their life. However, few know how to properly set a goal. He developed an acronym, SCAMPS, to guide his way through setting goals properly.

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